Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why do I even look?

Damnit, I just looked at the NSF panel meeting dates and figured out that the panel for my solo grant met this week and the one for the collaborative grant meets within the next week. Now I get to have that split second of excitement every time the phone rings, only to realize that it's a colleague asking me to do something. Aaahhhhhhhh! I hate this part!


  1. Are CAREER awards done during this time of panel meetings too? So if I see my Program Director as the contact for a meeting on a certain day, does that mean they will be talking about my CAREER proposal?? :O

  2. I'm not sure when they do CAREER awards. They don't specifically list them, so they likely do them at the same time as the regular program proposals. Good luck!

  3. PlS,
    Patience grasshopper. You need to wait at least a few weeks before getting excited by the phone ringing. The PD's won't start making calls until after all the panels in the directorate are done and all the PD's have got together to decide who gets money. Each directorate has one pot of money for the normal research grants and the PD's have to fight it out in a steel cage death match to get their favorites funded.

    CAREER awards are reviewed by the same panels. Your proposal might be reviewed on a panel headed by your PD. It might not. But he/she will definitely be in the room when it's discussed.

    Good luck to both of you. A couple of blog parties would be a very good thing.

  4. Phone? They CALL you? That's bizarre. NIH sends email with a link to a website where you get your score but zero information about what it means for several more weeks.

    Anyway, good luck. Keep busy and try to forget about it.

  5. Ooo, maybe the could sell tickets to that steel cage death match to increase the pot for their program...

    I guess I'll wait a couple of weeks to stare at my phone like a high schooler hoping to go to the prom.

  6. Ms. PhD,
    Yes, the NSF PD's call if you're going to be funded. If not, you get an email telling you to go look on FastLane for the reviews. Sometimes you don't even get that - you just happen to be on FastLane and notice you have reviews... Is it bizarre that they call? No, not at all. I think this gives the PD's to better connect with the people in their portfolios. Now the content of some of those phone calls can border on the bizarre, but that's fodder for a different blog post.

  7. I've gotten two NSF grants and have never been called.

  8. I've gotten two NSF grants and have never been called.

    Must be PD and/or directorate specific. I've always been called (four grants, two different PD's).

  9. Damn you PLS. I had totally forgotten about the grants I have in. Now I can't stop thinking about them. My panel doesn't meet until next week though...Sigh.

  10. Hi, do you know if NSF (BIO) has started to call about the funding decision on July submission? I am a first timer and stressing out!
