Thursday, April 22, 2010


Of all the ways I could be reminded that I am giving a seminar tomorrow in another department, receiving the announcement of my talk through the college listserve is probably not the best. I guess it's time to start putting that together then.


  1. Well not the best, but better than a call tomorrow afternoon saying "where are you?" Not that I speak from experience or anything....

  2. Did you first see the title and think to yourself, "Wow, I am so interested in this talk--it's so relevant to my own work!"

    This is what happens to me every year when I inevitably stumble upon my own abstract whilst itinerary planning for the Society for Neuroscience meeting.

  3. "Wow, I am so interested in this talk--it's so relevant to my own work!"

    I do that when searching google scholar or isiknowledge for references. "Cool title, I should read that! Oh, I wrote that. It wasn't that good, I think."
