Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mmmm, tasty

Question: Is there anything worse than discovering that your morning bagel is moldy?

Answer: Making the discovery with only half a bagel left.


  1. Bugs that makes people sick don't really grow on bagels, but it didn't make for the most enjoyable breakfast.

  2. My grandma always said "It's just extra protein" whenever we discovered something icky in whatever we were eating (a bug, some mold, etc).

    Gee, that makes my grandma sound like a horrible cook.

  3. here's hoping the half you ate didn't have any mold on it, and that's why you didn't notice?

  4. It's worse when you finish the whole thing and then discover that all of the remaining bagels are mouldy.

  5. oh,.... it's that late today ;) I've done it... altough I agree wit hPiT here, after you finished a whole one, since I end up wondering if I should've realised the mold or if it wasn't any mold on there... GAHH!

  6. My remaining half bagel was moldy in a way that strongly suggested that the first half had not escaped infection. Unpleasant, but meh.

    DGT, I'm not going to your Grandma's for Thanksgiving dinner.

  7. This could very well be reason/justification #1 to sleep late into the morning. Eating breakfast in the dark is a definite "no no".
